

Naturopathic Fertility

Protecting, nourishing & honouring fertility in each phase of your reproductive life are at the core of Dr. Wendler’s approach. Dr. Wendler N.D. has a clinical focus in:

  • Optimizing fertility before starting a family using nutritional & lifestyle based therapeutics, clinical supplementation and acupuncture
  • Supporting mind-body wellness while trying to conceive
  • Optimizing fertility alongside medical reproductive strategies and technologies (e.g IUI, IVF, ART)
  • Nourishing and restoring health to the body after pregnancy loss

Fertility Care

Although the optimal time to begin an intentional approach to preparing and nourishing the body to conceive is at least 3 months, it's never too late to embrace improved health and wellbeing when moving into parenthood. Naturopathic fertility optimization is designed to address & support mind-body wellness and the health conditions that may affect fertility and the health of a pregnancy including: birth control use, insulin resistance, recurrent pregnancy loss, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, fibroids, anovulation, egg quality, advanced maternal age, hormonal imbalances & male factors.A holistic and comprehensive approach to optimizing fertility can support a comfortable & healthy pregnancy and optimize the health & vitality of your growing baby.

Fertility Assessment

Dr. Wendler N.D. is committed to identifying and addressing the root cause(s) of fertility concerns which may include: nutritional deficiencies and insufficiencies, environmental exposures & toxicity, functional hormonal imbalances, PCOS, endometritis, endometriosis & fibroids.Diagnostic testing including hormone testing, nutritional testing, food sensitivity testing and more are available through Dr. Wendler N.D. to form a foundation for a tailored and patient-specific fertility focused plan.

Connect with Dr. Carly